Monday, March 19, 2007

Plot/Linear Regression

Method: Collect/Gather data. Determine which data might be dependent on the other.
ex) hours studied vs. test scores. Test score depends on hours studied.
Dependent Variable (y-axis, L2), Independent Variable (x-axis, L1)

You plot these points on your calculator by pushing STAT, Edit... Under L1 you put the hours studied and under the L2 you put the test score. To see your graph you push GRAPH.
If your graph doesn't appear push Y= and turn on Plot1.

Line of Best Fit (Linear Regression)
After plotting your points you can "see" the line of best fit by pushing:
STAT, CALC, 4:LinReg (ax+b), ENTER, 2nd, 1(L1), "comma", 2nd, 2(L2), "comma", VARS, Y-VARS, 1:Function, 1:Y1, ENTER, ENTER, GRAPH

To see the equation go to Y=

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