Tuesday, March 20, 2007


1) ZBox -allows you to draw a box to define the viewing window.
2) Zoom In -magnifies the graph around the cursor.
3) Zoom Out-displays more of the graph around the cursor
4) ZDecimal- sets the change in X and Y to Increments of 0.1 when you use trace
5) ZSquare- Adjusts the viewing window so that X and Y dimensions are equal
6) ZStandard- Sets the standard (default) window variables
7) ZTrig- Sets the built in Trigonometry window variables
8) ZInteger- After you position the cursor and press Enter, sets the change in X and Y to whole number increments
9) Zoom Stat- Sets the variables for currently defined statistical lists
0)Zoom Fit-Fits Y-min and Y-max between X-min and X-max

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