Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wiki Assignment Rules

Wiki Assignment

1. Your assignment goes on: ___________________ , use the password on the whiteboard, but please leave the password out of your scribe posts.
2. You're essentially teaching someone how to do a 'type-problem' from Accelerated Math, from start to finish. Show the entire problem, the objective, any relevant instructional materials, whatever....and I believe that I said in class that it should be something you struggled with yourself, but that you're competent with now.
3. Remember that once a question/objective has been selected, it's not available for anyone else's assignment. Check carefully before you post.
4. It's a wiki, so SAVE YOUR CHANGES every time you make some in progress are fine, but there will be a final due date: .
5. No last names/identifiers in your posts...We've talked about this in class...please remember to be 'mostly anonymous'....

1 comment:

semba04 said...